Home » Insights » Lights, camera, action: On set with Polypipe for building regulations campaign

Lights, camera, action: On set with Polypipe for building regulations campaign

Recently at Refresh HQ we’ve been busy working on our latest video campaign, ‘A Question of Regs’, which is a gameshow style series we’ve created with the team at Polypipe Building Products. The videos are part of the brand’s campaign to support heating installers through the updates to the Part L Building Regulations, which installers must comply with from June this year.

Building regulations, or regulations of any kind, are often lengthy, wordy and can be difficult to digest. For this reason, video was the perfect option to create content that’s not only engaging, but would also help to build awareness around the new regulations. When scripting the videos, we walked the thin line between informative and entertaining.

The videos are at the centre of the multifaceted campaign that has been created for installers, with installers. The series, which was filmed at a boxing gym in Manchester, features influencers Stanley Tabersham, Fiona Evans and Robert ‘Pointy’ Clarke competing in a number of challenges based on statistics from the new regulations, with the losers having to take on forfeits – including the cinnamon challenge and eating a mouthful of bugs!

Today, more people than ever before are seeking out engaging video-based content, which is clearly demonstrated by the rise of platforms like TikTok. Whilst there will always be a place for written content (which this campaign has too!) there is no denying that video can play a massive part in setting your brand apart from the crowd! That being said, we are consuming media across more platforms than ever before, so brands need to have all bases covered to ensure success.

In Polypipe Building Product’s case, in addition to the main video, we’ve also created four shorter episodes for use on social channels, reels specifically for Instagram and Tiktok, and blogs and expert Q&As to accompany the video on the campaign’s dedicated landing page. But we haven’t forgotten traditional media either; the video campaign itself has secured a number of pieces of coverage across trade media which have been accompanied by a series of thought-leadership pieces, press releases and how-to guides.

It’s always a pleasure to work with trade influencers. We’ve been engaging with leading trade influencers for over 10 years now, often working with them on a day-to-day basis through our work on the Heating Installer Awards. Over this time, we’ve built strong relationships with some of the UK’s leading heating installer influencers. We understand which brands the installers are loyal to, what they are open to discussing, how they work and how to get the best out of the relationship when it comes to influencer activity.

We had a blast on set with both Polypipe and our influencers and are already seeing some fantastic results!

The full video is available to view now on Polypipe’s Future Homes Hub and the standalone episodes are being posted across @PolypipeTrade’s social media channels – so keep your eyes peeled for the new episodes being released!

Want to hear more about how video could boost your campaign? Get in touch via info@refresh.co.uk or check out our case studies here.

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