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Construct a savvy PR campaign by focusing on long-term sustainability

Looking out of our central Manchester offices, the construction of modern skyscrapers pay homage to the place’s industrial past. When cotton was once combed, cranes now contribute to an ever-changing city-scape characterised by offices, bars, restaurants, music venues, shops, and flats.

The amount of growth cities like Manchester have undergone in the last decade has been huge. But it’s not just cities – ambitious house building plans will mean the construction sector will be present across the entire country.

At the same time, however, we all have a role to play in net-zone ambitions, too. Yet construction, if not approached sustainably, can contribute to environmental degradation, resource depletion, and increased carbon emissions.

Contractors, as integral players in the construction industry, have a crucial role in driving sustainability initiatives, and recent research shows that the profession is already recognising this. Refresh recently partnered with Competitive Advantage who took a deep dive into the views of contractors as part of its Construction Media Index. As well as looking into how professionals engage in news-worthy content, it revealed fascinating detail about their approaches to sustainability.

There is a clear desire for the continued professional development (CPD) of contractors to include a focus on sustainability and green issues. Research shows that when engaging in CPD, sustainability and net zero carbon stood out the most. In fact, when asked to list the most important topics in their CPD, sustainability was ranked first, ahead of digital, supply chain, or future homes. This means that contracts are actively looking towards sustainable modern methods of construction when assessing what’s important to them in their careers.

In the past, Refresh have been fortunate to work with clients who share this interest. Something our team have seen this firsthand, creating a docu-series that hit nearly 20k views with our construction client, Etex, charting the state-of-the-art, sustainability-led factory. Similarly, in other sectors, where Refresh worked with Keenan Recycling to get in front of heads of sustainability and procurement to raise the awareness of the important role food waste recycling can play in businesses’ net zero agendas.

The message is simple, when constructing your PR campaigns know what motivates your audience. This may well be the latest tech, upcoming legislative development, or personnel changes in the sector. But, as this research demonstrates, it is increasingly likely that sustainability is top of the agenda.

As construction activity continues to shape landscapes, this research shows that contractors are prioritising sustainability in their practices to ensure the long-term well-being of both the built environment and the communities they serve.

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